Saturday, July 01, 2006

Scenes from North Carolina

This is the top of the stairway that went up & over the dunes. I snapped the picture quickly as it was our first trip down to the beach around 6:30 pm on Sunday night. I could hardly get them to stop a second ;-)

Ever try to get 5 Snow people on Boogie boards at the same time? And capture it with the camera? This was the highlight of going to the beach ~ catching the waves!

This is the first lighthouse we visited. It is Bodie Island Lighthouse. Here is a good link if you'd like to learn a bit about it:

Some Vacation Pics

Here we go! On a ferry to see the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. Here's a good website to get more info:

AND here we are. Got a friendly touristy couple to exchange picture taking with us. The picture of the seagull was taken by Bob as we were getting off the ferry.

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1 July 2006

Wanted to get some vacation pics on here....... hoping this is easy for family & relatives to see.
Sooo... gulp.... I'm trying out blogging. I still don't like the idea of exposing myself to the web like this, so it's gonna be limited folks!! ;-)

Bob & the kids are away (mostly) at the farm camping for the weekend. I am here at home.... by myself (mostly) catching up & creating! Fun Fun Fun. Such a recluse? I've written to Trevor, did some scrapping, had my quiet time, talked with sisters online..... went outside, delivered newspapers (what good mom wouldn't???) Wow.... quiet! it's a nice change of pace.

Got any comments... please leave them! Have a blessed weekend.