Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Have you been overwhelmed with the pressures of a Christmas celebration for your family? Or are you actually dreading jumping in the process of preparation? I had a hard time right after Thanksgiving; I just did not have the motivation and was not in the "mood" yet. After some time in prayer and a few days later, I realized that I celebrate Christmas everyday in my life! I love the Lord Jesus and celebrate and give Him praise everyday of my life. In my family, He is the center point of our life. We don't make decisions without consulting Him and reading the Word. So, this Christmas spirit I seemed to be missing was actually a result of how much I dislike the commercial aspects of Christmas.

To give gifts is something I love to do. He gave us the greatest gift and to help others see that, I feel so blessed to give something to others. What a great gift is the gift of salvation. That's the best gift and the greatest miracle ever. When someone comes to know Jesus and gives their life over to Him. The angels rejoice in Heaven for every person that enters the Kingdom of Heaven.

I found a wonderful video on You Tube I'd like to share. Such sweet singing from children. I hope you enjoy it. I pray you have a blessed Christmas season and that you spend time with Him, remembering the REAL reason for the season. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Kimberly has a new Shih Tzu puppy, called Bella. She is so adorable AND fiesty!! We love to play with her. Much training is happening :-) I've never had a puppy before, so I'm doing a little research on the best way to train a Shih Tzu. We NEED the potty training one to be successful soon.

Bella is almost 10 weeks old now and is white, tan and gray. She weighs a whole four pounds. The most fun thing is to see her welcome anyone of us as we walk in the house. Especially the boys. What a riot. If they lay on the floor, she is all over them, sniffing, licking, nibbling, jumping, and she does this little sniff/snort thing. That is an indication that she is absolutely having a wonderful time!!

We love her and can't wait til she is trained.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring has arrived!

It has been months since we've felt 70 degrees. Today we came close, but not quite. The winter was very long and many days, very cold. Everyone is anxiously awaiting days when the sun is kissing your face and you don't have to wear a coat and gloves.

Kelli is busy making plans for her missions trip to China. You should check out her blog.

Kimberly finished at ORU and is working as a personal trainer! She also has been coaching a club volleyball team. Her graduation is in early May. We're having a party for her and Jeremy, who will be graduating from 8th grade (though they don't call it a graduation.) They both are complaining that I'm inviting too many people!! Moms :-D