Saturday, December 26, 2009

Looking outside today~ the day after Christmas

What a beautiful day we had today... so snowy, yet not freezin' cold or windy. It was awesome.

Beautiful snowy day on Twitpic

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Trying to Focus on the Important Things in Life

It's almost Christmas!! We here in Illinois had a very November, after some really crummy days with lots of rain. The farmers were getting very nervous about their crops. Then those nice sunny days with a little bit of a breeze came and surprised all of us. Oh how I enjoyed each and every one of them. It was like a gift from God before the winter season .

I'm trying to figure out what to do with this blog; do I just forget it completely or create one more to handle the political things I'd like to talk about? I don't think I should mix so many topics that are swirling in my head in one blog. I also think it would be easier for me to write if I had two places: one more homey and the other political. If you have a helpful opinion, let me know. Leave a comment, won't you?

So who is ready for Christmas? Have you gotten your shopping done? How about those Christmas cards? Are you still sending them out? Or how about decorating??? Yikes! I have so much still to do. I'm so happy for those that are scratching off tasks on their 'to do' list. Good for you! I think I need to get more organized with my life. I definitely could be more disciplined in some areas.

Back to the family stuff for now ;-) supper has got to get made.

God's richest blessings on each and every one of you who read this!!

Enjoy this Christmas season and be blessed with the knowledge of the depth and love that Christ has for you.